Ezy Anchor

The newly acclaimed best “quick and easier screw in tent peg” alternative by Ezy Anchor makes your Camping, Caravanning and Motorhome setup and take down of your awnings, tents, tarps, gazebos and campsites so much easier whilst ultimately delivering greater safety, security and strength and they allow you to enjoy your time in the Outdoors much faster than driving and pulling tent pegs!
- Take your cordless drill or impact driver
- Connect the Torx driver bit to the drill/driver and secure in the chuck
- Pick up your Ezy Anchor with screw in position through the Ezy Anchor
- Connect your guy rope to the hook
- Hold the guy rope and hook together with your guiding hand
- Pick up the drill and driver in your driving hand
- Insert the Torx driver into the head of the screw
- Place drill in forward drilling position
- Commence drilling the screw downward into the earth keeping the EzyAnchor parallel to the earth so the screw penetrates at its set angle.
- Installation complete
Should you strike a solid object whilst installing the screw, remove and reposition the screw to another position close to or adjacent to the original required position.
- With your drill in hand and Torx driver bit connected and secured within your drill chuck connect the Torx bit driver to the screw head.
- Hold the hook and guy rope in one hand, place drill in reverse and screw out.
- Removal complete